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Good Marketing Brief

Your strategic blueprint for Giving Tuesday

049: Your strategic blueprint for Giving Tuesday


"Who's the new person??"

^ Fair question ... I’m Nhu 👋🏻 a nonprofit content strategist, and I've partnered with the team at Feathr to curate the Briefing for the next few weeks. It's great to meet you!

With intros out of the way, lets get into it ... 

It’s officially spooky season 👻🎃, which means we’re inching that much closer to the biggest giving day of the year: #GivingTuesday. 

Believe it or not, we’re just shy of eight weeks from the global day of generosity, so I thought it would be fitting to share all the useful tidbits for your #GivingTuesday digital marketing and fundraising planning

Nhu Te headshot

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Snackable snippets 

Make your integrated campaigns soar 🎧

As fundraisers, you understand the value of integrated campaigns. This rings even truer around #GivingTuesday when you’re engaging donors on a multichannel level, but what does practical integration look like at different levels of campaign design?

Jen Newmeyer is the digital fundraising director at PBS and has more than two decades of digital fundraising experience. She joins us in the latest Good Marketing Unplugged to uncover the three musts for successful integrated fundraising campaigns. Grab your headphones, and take a listen now. 

How to elevate your digital marketing 📈

This Forbes article dives into the power of digital marketing. The reality is that people, especially younger donors, are spending more and more of their day online, through their phones and other digital devices.

Is your marketing plan checking off all the necessary boxes — including digital essentials like website optimization, consistent social presence, targeted email marketing, and proficient use of digital ads? Seize the opportunity to flesh out your digital marketing strategy before the big day of giving 🚀.

#GivingTuesday strategies to try to unlock giving in 2023 🎧

Research from GivingTuesday indicates there are fewer donors. Concerned? Don't be. There’s a silver lining: more giving potential.

Woodrow Rosenbaum, Chief Data Officer of GivingTuesday, joins digital fundraising maven Dana Snyder in the recent Missions to Movements podcast to uncover ways to engage donors beyond the ask and amplify recurring support. 

Apply for your Google Ad Grant before #GivingTuesday ✍️

Did you know that Google offers nonprofits an advertising budget of up to $10,000 in Google Ads per month?

This is a great resource for qualifying nonprofits, but how can you make sure your nonprofit is making optimal use of these funds? Our comprehensive guide on Google Ad Grants breaks down the fundamentals and provides tips on finding the right keywords to maximize the relevancy of your nonprofit’s ads.

Your digital marketing toolkit for year-end success 📖

It’s here! It’s here! The digital fundraising enthusiasts at Feathr have put together a comprehensive toolkit, offering nonprofits a clear path to effective digital marketing during year-end.

Explore articles on Giving Tuesday tactics, access our library of swipe files and ad templates, and watch webinars with proven strategies that lead to donations.


In the news

A trend that I’m noticing more lately is for-profits leaning into the social good space with elaborate CSR initiatives. Case in point: Honda’s release of its first all-electric SUV in its “Keep Dreaming” campaign, an effort to showcase its commitment to global carbon neutrality by 2050.

With a full-blown marketing plan — from mainstream television to a presence at TwitchCon — Honda proves what it means to go all-in on multichannel marketing. 

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For your inspiration folder

The Peninsula Community Foundation (PCF) of Virginia is dedicated to serving the increasing needs of its diverse population by investing in its future.

Thinking beyond just email, PCF expanded its efforts for Give Local 757 to include a giving-day-specific email campaign, retargeted digital ads for website visitors, and intentional outreach for mobile devices at specific GPS locations.

This multichannel effort resulted in the organization bringing in $360,000 in donations, 13,000 in newsletter subscribers, and a net new audience of 66,000, proving just how successful a giving day can be when done right. 

