Do more with Feathr.

We asked our customers how Feathr has impacted their organizations. Here's some of what they said:

“Before Feathr, we weren’t able to track conversions via email. It was just kind of a guess. With our Harry Potter show, we could track $20,000 worth of tickets back to our first Feathr email promoting that concert.”

-Caitlin Bishop, Director of Marketing, Quad City Symphony Orchestra

"Feathr has allowed us to reach new donors and volunteers in ways we didn’t even know were possible."

-Jon DeCarmine, Executive Director, GRACE



“Seeing the real impact of our digital ads, like a 443% traffic increase, was a defining moment for us.”

-Elisabeth Bocklet, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County



“We’re so good at reaching our members, but we were not good at reaching non-members. Being able to do that with Feathr and attract people we wouldn't normally be able to reach has been really rewarding.”

-Danelle Buckley, Association of California School Administrators



"The Feathr staff are really great to work with, and the platform is very easy to use and understand!"

-Former Director of Meetings & Events, International OCD Foundation



“What’s nice about Feathr is that you can aggregate everything in one platform and have a unified approach. With display ads, some marketers can get discouraged pretty easily by running ads on four different platforms and then not seeing results. The thing about Feathr is that it aggregates all of that together, which saves me a lot of time and strategy work, and having it all in one place to see overall results is really useful.”

-Jared Arango, Previously Regional Lead for Paid Media, International Justice Mission

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"We've had an excellent experience with both the Feathr product and people. The product delivered more than the expected result, was easy to use, and watching the results became slightly addictive!"

-Penelope Freire, Meetings & Exhibits Manager, American College of Medical Genetics & Genomics



“There were things that I wanted to test out to see if they worked. I think that sometimes you need quick little wins to get the bigger wins. And Feathr gives me the control to test things out and pick up small wins to invest in further.”

-Stefan Bradham, VP of Marketing & Communication, The National Minority Supplier Development Council Inc.


“Working with Feathr is highly cost effective. We spent $4,410 and got $32,282 back.”

-Michael Brewer, President, Hope & A Future


"What I love about Feathr is the ability to be hands-on with my digital advertising... to have a platform where I can set up geofencing, lookalike audiences, email lists, retargeting, all of that on my own, is incredible. It puts the world of digital marketing at my fingertips."

-Kate Johanns, Marketing & Communications Director, Association of Texas Professional Educators



"Feathr Email is just very effective. You can see what’s working, what’s not working, and what resonates with people based on what they’re clicking on and where the conversions are happening. It’s been such a game changer."

-Olivia Kent, Japan-America Society of Washington, D.C.



"Most of our digital dollars are spent with Feathr. The system is super easy to use, and I love the analytics that are provided."

-Cara Stan, Director of Marketing & Membership, Metro Denver Dental Society



“We used geofencing for our spring conference in Houston and targeted that area, including a couple of universities. Our attendance numbers were up 20% from last year.”

-Melissa Halka, American Institute of Chemical Engineers



"In the past, if someone saw an ad in a printed program, they couldn’t act on it, so we never would have known if it was working. Now, in our dashboard, we can see click-throughs, see the source, and measure the resulting web traffic. A huge benefit is being able to follow that journey."

-Larissa Thut Davidson, Savannah Music Festival

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“We have a lot of lapsed donors – those who’ve given before, but not in the past year. Since we already had their emails, Feathr was able to track them and serve them ads."

-Michael Brewer, President, Hope & A Future



"The great thing about Feathr is that the retargeted ads follow those on our email list and show up on websites where people wouldn't normally see them. For instance, someone might see our ad while shopping on Amazon or scrolling through Facebook.”

-Margot DeConna, MBA, CFRE, Director of Advancement, Humane Society of North Central Florida



"The dashboard is what I look at the most – being able to see where things are effective. And the visuals are really helpful to drill down and see who we captured and where they're from. What campaign was it that they were a part of? Having all those things right there in one place is really helpful."

-Danelle Buckley, Association of California School Administrators



"We can target visitors that are already on our website and show them our new product offerings. We can point them to our new live events. We can introduce them to our chapter networking opportunities. We can make more sound marketing decisions based on their behaviors on our site.“

-Jared Shilhanek, American Public Works Association



“Doing geofencing, doing other email campaigns, ads on Facebook — all of these things, over the past nine months or so, have tripled our email base. We have 66,000 contacts in our network now — that’s something we would have never been able to do or buy or accumulate in that short an amount of time.”

-Tammy Flynn, Peninsula Community Foundation



"The surveys are really cool and you can build such interest in just seconds. We love to ask a really easy question about why people are engaging with the food bank, and it helps us see what kind of messages are most valuable for our audience at large, but it also gives us those segmentations where I can target people with the message that matters to them."

-Katie Adkins, Director of Communication and Marketing, The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri

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"Feathr is very user-friendly. I love being able to see how many clicks or views we get and ultimately how many people convert."

-Josephine Terry, Marketing Coordinator, Professional Liability Underwriting Society

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“We have consistently grown our audience — and consistently had better and better results year-over-year because of Feathr. It's definitely worth the money. Ten fold."

-Nicole Rodriguez, Marketing Manager, American Epilepsy Society



“The retargeting piece is really getting people who we have had in our orbit organically and through Feathr efforts to be able to see something that they might miss in the newsletter because they didn’t open it, or they didn’t see whatever else, but they are doing the daily crossword puzzle, and [our ad] is in the feed right there.”

-Elisabeth Bocklet, Senior Director of Marketing & Communications, United Way of Asheville and Buncombe County


"The Flight templates have been really helpful and a good guide to remind myself what my goals are. I tend to be front heavy on them with targeting potential attendees through search keyword and affinity campaigns. Really the goal of those initial campaigns is to get more people to click through to our website so we can run retargeting and email campaigns later in the Flight.”

-Caitlin Bishop, Director of Marketing, Quad City Symphony Orchestra



"Feathr helped us set up, run, and analyze our campaigns, move our budget around, optimize our creatives – and kept us in the loop the whole time so we felt part of the process without the burden of too much work."

-Morgan Pettrone, Marketing Content Manager, MHI



“We’re so small, we couldn’t afford many email solutions that charged per email sent. So that was really appealing about Feathr — that we could send a high volume of emails at a reasonable cost. And it worked really well!”

-Tammy Flynn, Director of Philanthropy, The Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia



"We never do anything that's one-off. Everything is built into a waterfall campaign where somebody would get two, three, four touches followed up by something a little more personal.”

-Katie Adkins, Director of Communication and Marketing, The Food Bank for Central & Northeast Missouri

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"The entire process was very intuitive and user friendly, and Feathr provides an attractive dashboard that helps us track the performance of our efforts."

-Laura Ross, Manager of Communication and Development, The Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation



“Once our sponsors understood what a successful campaign looked like, they realized all of their ads were doing really well. Every single one of our sponsor campaigns has performed above the industry standard for digital advertising.”

-Kelly Schmalfeldt, Resource Development Coordinator, Pediatric Academic Societies



“The support we receive from our Feathr account and campaign managers has been golden and an integral part as to why our campaigns have been successful.”

-Destiny Gardner, Senior Digital Marketing Specialist, Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry



“Businesses are always expecting us to ask them for a donation. With Feathr Monetization, we give our top-tier sponsors added value instead of just asking them for support. That also gives us access to a new revenue stream.”

-Margot DeConna, MBA, CFRE, Director of Advancement, Humane Society of North Central Florida



“[Our campaign manager] was able to take best practices from what she was learning in real-time and help us apply that to our efforts.”

-Abigail Fredenburg, Director of Integrated Marketing & Communications, Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy



“By working with Feathr, we’ve seen a really good return on our investment.”

-Martha Sauchuk, Senior Director of Marketing, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology



“The people who have already hit our site are in a different place in the marketing funnel. We're past introducing who we are and what we do — these are people who already know those things, so we don't have to waste time explaining them. Instead we can educate and remind them of the value that we can add.”

-Lisa Olson, Director of Marketing, The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology


“Out of the box, Feathr gave us so many things that we didn't have before. We saw a multitude of applications for not only SWE, but also our other clients.”

-Andrew Navolio, VP of Client Services, David James Group



"Utilizing Feathr... allows us to broaden our reach by leveraging multiple digital platforms in a consolidated, cost-effective way."

-Miles Bilka, CNP, Marketing Manager, The Nonprofit Leadership Alliance

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"I've always felt like there was careful, critical thought that went into our campaign, and it has a large impact on the results."

-Jared Shilhanek, Director of Marketing & Communications, The American Public Works Association



“During our early bird component, we dedicated $500 and we've already seen 24 conversions, which adds up to about $25,000. And the conference is still three months out. So it's been really successful.”

-Charles Mutscheller, Director of Marketing & Communications, The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat


“The amount of problems that Feathr solved all at once was pretty astounding.”

-Doug Hoekstra, Director of Digital Content, Financial Executives International



“We started thinking of all the different ways that we are more than just a meeting right now, and we realized that we needed to change the way that we interact with our community and provide resources to them.”

-Carmen Valls Beck, MBA, HMCC, Director of Resource Development, Pediatric Academic Societies



“Even though I imagine we weren’t Feathr’s largest client, I never felt that way. They understood our goals, and I always felt really well taken care of.”

-Larissa Thut Davidson, Marketing Director, Savannah Music Festival

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“Just understanding that there are other ways to reach people than only our newspaper and magazine. I think the way that we've been doing it, testing these strategies with the help of the Feathr team, has been great. It's been great to see the results as well.”

-Danelle Buckley, Director of Events & Operations, The Association of California School Administrators




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