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Further personalize supporter journeys with these key touchpoints

Nhu Te
3 min read
May 22, 2024 10:26:45 PM

082: Further personalize supporter journeys with these key touchpoints

In today's information overload, simply getting your message out there isn't enough. Engagement and conversions happen when you connect with your supporters in meaningful ways. This means sending the right message, through the right channel, at the right time.

This week, we're diving into the key touchpoints that can transform your supporter journeys, making them more personalized and impactful.

From the first interaction to ongoing engagement strategies, discover how personalized interactions can improve your connection with your supporters. Let's explore strategies to keep your audience engaged, inspired, and coming back for more.

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What to know about email retention 📖
Many nonprofits take a siloed approach to email acquisition and retention. Tobes argues that retention, acquisition, and monetization need to work together as one system to see growth.

Reflecting on his time at UNICEF, he discusses the organization's approach to crafting personalized donor journeys, which led to high donor retention.

A new report from Community Boost pinpoints the sector’s current and future state of digital marketing and engagement. Findings echoed similar insights that we found in "The State of Nonprofit Marketing,” like email being the most effective marketing channel, increased investment in digital advertising, and budgetary constraints being the primary nonprofit challenge.

But what I found most interesting (and exciting): 45% of nonprofits expect a moderate increase, and 28% expect a large increase in revenue this year.

How one org grew a 19K+ monthly giving community 🎧
Kyle Roosen is the Senior Director of Marketing and Communications at the Tim Tebow Foundation. He’s been integral in growing the organization’s monthly giving community — it now has over 19,300 members! Listen to his illuminating conversation with Jon and Becky as he shares the role of storytelling in the stewardship process.

"I want them to experience joy, and I want them to know exactly what their giving is doing. As storytellers, that's our responsibility to them," Kyle shares.

How choice on a pop-up impacts conversion rate 📖
In a high-urgency campaign, it’s common to feature a website pop-up with a single call to action, such as “donate” or “make a gift.” Working with The Navigators April Eagle Lake, NextAfter wanted to test whether providing autonomy language could impact conversion.

By replacing the original directive CTA with choice options, the campaign saw a 193.8% increase in conversion rate.

TikTok users continue to grow and evolve 📖
Even amid threats of a potential ban in the US, TikTok's usage continues to skyrocket. But its popularity isn’t just among young people — we’re seeing significant growth in Gen X and baby boomers since 2022.

Plus, the platform shows big potential for advertisers. More than half of TikTok users agree that advertising on the platform helps them decide what to buy, and they also trust influencer marketing more than the general population.


In the news

Last week, OpenAI released its latest flagship model: GPT-4o. According to TechCrunch, the newest ChatGPT model “can handle text, speech and video, and delivers real-time responsiveness, and a range of emotive voice options.”

While this model is free on the web, mobile users must upgrade to ChatGPT Plus to access GPT-4o. As a result, the platform's mobile revenue doubled overnight to $4.2 million.


Google is now rolling out AI Overviews, summaries generated by AI that appear at the top of search results (you’ve probably already seen this in action).

Marketing Brew sat down with Google’s VP and GM of Search Ads to get his take on how AI Overviews will impact marketers and advertisers. While there has been speculation that this new AI feature could lower ad revenue in the billions, Shashi Thakur says that they are still seeing people click through to complete their desired action.


For your inspiration folder

The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology had a dedicated membership base, but they saw an opportunity: connect with website visitors and convert them into engaged participants for their annual meeting.

Using Feathr to segment their audience and run retargeting ads, USCAP brought in 462 registrations for $385k in ticket sales for their 2022 annual meeting.


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